Telepathic Therapy Outtake

I've been called the Freud of the 21st century, but I'm not sure if I can take that much credit. The way he analysed dreams has been quite inspirational to me. It's true that I can see much deeper into the human psyche than he in his time, but he never had the tools we have today. He could only guess at the meaning of his patients' dreams, but all the different parts of his interpretations fit together so well that statistically, he had to be right. He had the intuition of a psychic, and I'm sure that augurs were inspired on people like him, even if most of them were frauds. Of course, he wasn't always right, and when he was it was impossible to verify, so that after the sexual revolution, when it was no longer true that most neuroses would be caused by sexual repression, his theories fell out of favour. In Freud's time, individuals conformed so much to the collective that their minds could be easily interpreted in line with its culture. Now, in a much more individualised culture, we have to interpret everyone separately, but of each individual there is only one sample. For most people, pychotherapy lost its effectiveness until the advent of telepathy. But telepathy blurred the boundaries between therapist and patient.

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